This is just more proof that I am a dork...but I just love the moon. I was sitting here at the computer and I just happened to look up out of the skylight and and framed nicely between the window panes is a big beautiful full moon. I am so easily amuzed. I get excited over seemingly silly things like sparkly cement, playing with the stretchy glue strip used to hold inserts inside of magazines, collecting Christmas ornaments, and hitting up every gumball machine that happens to cross my path. The moon is another one of those simple things that truly make me smile. It may sound juvenile but I am reminded every night of the amazing and awesome creation that we live in and the amazing and awesome God I serve. It not only brings me joy but it serves as a constant reminder of how I should be living my life. The moon gives off no light of its own, it only reflects the light of the sun. How I LONG to be like the moon, giving off no light of my own but shining forth the light of Christ....and making people smile while I'm at it :).
This is a great reminder....needed it today! Thanks. Good thing I decided to go through your retro blog....
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