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Monday, March 20, 2006

All things are possible...even to those who PROCRASTINATE!

Here it is 5:56 in the morning and I just pulled an allnighter! 22 straight hours (minus the hour to watch McDreamy), 2 vanilla frappuccinos and 1.5 liters of water later I am officially done! I just finished an entire three-credit class in one weekend! You see, technically I purchased an independent study course uh,like two months ago, with a completion date of March 20th (that date is non-negotiable for graduates). Anyway, I simply kept pushing it off untill later and then I realized Thursday it was due on Monday so I totally had to hustle to do all the work! Beginning Friday Night,I read 500 pages of a commentary on ACTS, answered of 650 questions, did two research papers, a community anaylsis, map of ancient cities Paul traveled to, an Evangelism plan, read and responded to 5 different articles and have 6 tests to take on all the material later on today! Oh and I also did another research paper for my counseling class that is due in 3 hours and worth 40%of my grade. I have had all semester but started that one at 12am...hehe...oops!.. I am usually not this bad at all!!!...but for some reason I totally slacked off these past few weeks.
All that to say I am pretty proud of myself! Not that I'll ever do it again (I think I've learned my lesson) but I cranked those suckers out! Praise God for Graduation in 7 weeks...because after this weekend, I have mentally checked out!


Blogger || davidjay || said...

YEA GIRL! You rock! :) Now go sleep!

3/21/2006 12:01 AM  

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