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Saturday, June 09, 2007

Project Everlasting

So I stumbled across this a while back and have been following the developments of this project because it is something I am passionate about... SUCCESSFUL MARRIAGES!!!
Project Everlasting is the journey of two bachelors who set out on a journey ( in a motor home!) to find what makes marriages work. They travel around interviewing couples who have had success in marriage and offer you the insights on what makes them last. You may have noticed the link in my "resources section" over on the left but I haven't taken time to explain prior to now.

Anyway, these two gentlemen just launched a book and it is officially in stores...CHECK IT OUT!
They also have a video of interviews and such that I recently implemented as gifts to my clients. We all know we can't maintain ongoing relationships with ALL our clients so these are an inexpensive way to hopefully impact their lives AFTER the wedding day :)

As a single person in the wedding industry, it is all too common to see failed marriages and get discouraged... I think we should do something about it :) we don't have to be married (or even in a relationship) to start preparing ourselves for success!!!

Note: while we are on this subject... another fun resource is LOVE IS A CHOICE... launched by my friend and fellow wedding photographer Mike Larson. This site is a resource for couples also... check them out :)


Blogger c r y s t a l said...

Great post, Shyla!!! I'm going to check this book out. I love that you are giving a gift that will have an impact on your couples after the wedding. Wonderful!!

6/10/2007 9:25 PM  
Blogger F.E. Castleberry said...

so this was the book you were talking about!

6/11/2007 3:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, these guys are hot... that's all I have to say.... ;)

6/12/2007 5:13 PM  
Blogger Shyla said...

Crystal...totally check it out!!! You already have a wonderful marriage but its always helps to keep yourself sharp ;)

Yeah Freddy... I didnt think you were listening ;) lol

Yes Colley, they are attractive... BUT the project is sooo cool isnt it?!

6/12/2007 11:36 PM  
Blogger Tim Halberg said...

freaking cool!!! too awesome!! (and I love the idea of gifts for your clients!!!)

6/14/2007 2:05 AM  
Blogger The City Girl said...

omg! i have been reading this book this week and i love love love it!

6/29/2007 11:02 AM  
Blogger Paige Kearin said...

I sat next to these guys on a plane ride to Orlando! They are really cute. You should try to hook it up Shyla.

7/03/2007 9:28 PM  

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