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Sunday, April 22, 2007

Cole & Stacey

After a bout of rain yesterday I thought today's session would be cancelled but alas the sun broke through in all its glory and gave way to a BEAUTIFUL day. Cole and Stacey are friends from college and I remember when he asked her out... funny how things evolve sometimes 'eh? Its so weird when all your college friends are getting married... I always get nostalgic and almost kinda sad doing friends weddings because part of me wants to stay in the good ol' days of college forever. Alas, I know that we are simply embarking on a new chapter but its always hard to close an old one. :)

Stacey's initials (like mine) are S.A.D. and when she got engaged, she remarked that once she was married, she would no longer be SAD...haha
I LOVED that so much that I say the same thing... "When I get married, I wont be SAD anymore" ( at least I hope not...haha)

So CHEERS to a new chapter and no longer being sad... ;)


Blogger Mike Larson said...

Shyla, sweet shots, make them bigger in the settings so we can see more larger! hey hope to see you soon again...
- mike & rachel

4/22/2007 5:36 PM  
Blogger Jasmine said...

That last picture is cute...she most defintely doesn't look SAD anymore!! :)

4/22/2007 6:21 PM  
Blogger sandie jo salisbury said...

these are super sweet! i love the stop sign shot. I love signs! Your initals are cute.. aim for S.A.S. or S.A.Y. I guess you can't go aroud findin' the love of your life based on that.. anyway, dont be sad if you end up getting S.A.D. agian!

4/25/2007 11:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love these of Cole and Stacey! Nice job!!! I especially love the last one! So cute!!!! Love you!

4/28/2007 8:35 PM  

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