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Sunday, September 03, 2006

This is only a test!

Remeber when you'd be watching TV and all of a sudden there would be a narrator who would come on and say " This is a test of the emergency broadcasting system... This is only a test" and then that loud obnoxious noise would commence for a brief but seemingly eternal time? Yeah, well thats how I felt yesterday during this wedding. The thing about the noise is that it is annoying for a brief time and then once everything resumes to normal you forget that it even happened EXCEPT when it happens THREE times in one evening!!! I am not one to get easily frazzled but if one more thing went wrong last night I wouldnt have known whether to laugh or cry!

So first of all I shown up at the venue and found out my backup battery was completley DEAD. I mean completley failed and wouldnt even charge!! I cant do the wedding on one battery, so since the wedding was on campus at LIFE, I called a friend to run to the nearest camera store and pick up one for me. She comes back with the news that the batteries are on back order for the next two weeks!!! Ahhhh!!! That was the first occurance of the awful noise

OK so THEN I was short on memory, so I needed to downlaod cards so I could shoot over them but my computer said I didnt have enough memory and it wouldnt downlaod. ( The computer is new and supposedly has a 100 gig hard drive so theres no way I coudl have filled it... But anyway...whatever) So, right before the ceremony I was frantically deleting music and other stuff to try to make room...ahhh...Theres that noise again!

Things seemed to be going along smoothly when I decided I was going to try to put a slideshow together during the reception dinner. I squated down to pick up my laptop and stuff, my pant leg got caught under my heel and my pants completley ripped right up the seam!! I was horrified!!!
OK, I thought, I can handle this...Its dark and if I walk strategically to the bathroom I can asess the wasnt something I could just hide and it didnt just rip a little...It was a full on Shy-show!. Luckily the wedding was on my old campus so I grabbed my friend and she ran to the dorms to grab me a pair of black dress pants. There is that noise AGAIN!!! Someone make it stop PLEASE!!! Anyway, she returned and I got dressed just in time to shoot the first dance....

OK so if this is all only a test and I didnt freak out ...did I pass??!! What do I win??

Despite it all though, I still managed to do a slideshow!!! :)
Here are a few pics from yesterday...


Blogger || davidjay || said...

That a girl!!!

Don't let anything stop you!

9/04/2006 10:40 AM  
Blogger Danielle Renee said...

I wanna see the rest! Yeah you get three gold stars for stress, wish I could have been there to help save you!

Whoo hoo John and Gina are married :)

9/04/2006 9:09 PM  
Blogger Brett Austin said...

WOW!! What a day! And what a great story it makes!

You know the saying... if it doesn't kill you, it only makes you stronger! Just think of all the experience gained from the days events! Now you're just that much better at it all!!

Great shots Shyla! Keep it up!

9/05/2006 12:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok coming to your blog and reading this story absolutely made my night. priceless!!! i seriously would have paid large sums of money to see your face when the pants ripped :)

love you shy, see you soon hopefully!!

9/08/2006 9:43 PM  

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