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Thursday, April 26, 2007

Call me Crazy!

Upon signing the lease to our new place, the FIRST thing I asked was "So, Can we Paint?!"
The coordinator consented after a slight hesitation, but I wonder if she new what she was getting herself into. After being given the green light to paint I thought about the CRAZIEST bright color I could paint my bathroom and decided it had to be Orange!
It's the master bath so I would be getting ready in it every morning and wanted something to help me start my day with a smile :)

The guy at the paint store thought I was utterly CRAZY... and maybe I am... but I LOVE it. I added a pink and green as accents and it just makes me smile every time I walk in!

Check it out!

Stay tuned for bedroom shots.... Here is a sneak peek ;)

Eventually we will be turning the living room into a studio to meet clients... we just bought these BRIGHT fire-engine red chairs... I cant wait to show you! :)

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Senior Pics...MINE!

Its hard to believe these Senior Pics were taken almost 9 years ago...LOL
My new e-BFF Scott Neumyer suggested I post these for the sheer entertainment of

A. My blonde hair... (oh dear God, please don't ever let me do that again)
C. Can anyone say "Peek-a-boo" ?

These were totally cool at the time though so gimme a little slack... Just promise me to NOT do this when posing seniors ( that was so a decade ago!) :)


Sunday, April 22, 2007

Cole & Stacey

After a bout of rain yesterday I thought today's session would be cancelled but alas the sun broke through in all its glory and gave way to a BEAUTIFUL day. Cole and Stacey are friends from college and I remember when he asked her out... funny how things evolve sometimes 'eh? Its so weird when all your college friends are getting married... I always get nostalgic and almost kinda sad doing friends weddings because part of me wants to stay in the good ol' days of college forever. Alas, I know that we are simply embarking on a new chapter but its always hard to close an old one. :)

Stacey's initials (like mine) are S.A.D. and when she got engaged, she remarked that once she was married, she would no longer be SAD...haha
I LOVED that so much that I say the same thing... "When I get married, I wont be SAD anymore" ( at least I hope not...haha)

So CHEERS to a new chapter and no longer being sad... ;)

Monday, April 16, 2007

Miss Rachel Ross

I am not worthy of being called a 'FRIENDS' fanatic but I sure did love that show when it was on. Given that, when I was introduced to Rachel Ross, I felt like singing her the FRIENDS theme song... with a name like that, I just knew she had to be fun!
My guesstimates were true ;) Rachel was such a doll to be around and we had a blast shooting her senior portraits.
Despite limited time constraints, we managed to cover the parameters of Flo Jo park in Mission Viejo in a matter of minutes :)
Thank Rachel for the fun time, and especially trusting me and posing in the nasty public ;)
Here are a few from the day...

Friday, April 13, 2007

I <3 Fashion!

This post is long overdue! It happened the night before I left for WPPI so posting it sorta fell through the cracks...

Anyway, I got a call from a friend of mine who needed a photographer last minute for midnight fashion shoot in Hollywood at the Cabana Club. I love fashion and such so I was thrilled that she asked! This club was partially outdoors so it had a super fun feel :) I brought my friend Karla ( who happens to be a fashion major at the Fashion Institue of Design and merchandising)along to assist and within 3 minutes of our arrival, some guy tried to make out with her!

It was a great experience... and special thanks to club promotions 'Avante Garde' and fashion designer Anush from MINIMAX design for the fun time :)
(ps) I will post links as soon as i get the linkage problem taken care of) :)

Here are a few shots from the evening...

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Broken Linkage

ummmm.... so I have been informed by several people that my links are broken but I cannot fix them for the life of me! For all those who emailed me, I am SORRY and I am working on your links as we speak. Hang tight and I will see if we cant master the evil Blogger ;)

Wednesday, April 11, 2007



No, that's not my bank routing number... that is the order of freeways I take to get to work every day!!...UGH! 7 freeways and nearly two hours in traffic every morning for the past 8 months has really taken it's toll. I did a little math and I have spent nearly 500 hours in the car commuting in the past 8 months... I travel 100 miles round-trip each day and have to go in for an oil change every 5 weeks.... it was definitely time for a change....

So after rigorous searching we finally found a place we liked! My roommate and I fell in love with this place but there was a lot of other people who thought so too! So, We thought we would make ourselves stand out from the crowd by writing cute little letters about how much we liked it..etc etc. We called nearly every day too which helped make our names known. Anyway, they called us today and we got it!

We are so excited! We pick up the keys next week and move in next weekend.

The BEST part is that it is only 3 minutes from work so I get an extra 2 hours of sleep every morning! YIPPEEE!

See, its sooo cute :)

meet my new roommate Lisa... she is a wedding Photographer too! :)

Look, at how far I am moving! We are only 10 minutes from the Beach and we have a HUGE balcony for sunbathing so this will be a FUN summer.

Come visit me!

Friday, April 06, 2007

Happy Birthday Jazzy!

Today is my dear sweet friend, Jazzy's, birthday. It couldn't have fallen on a more perfect day! She is the true embodiment of goodness ;)
Ever since we met early last year I have been blessed by her presence... through her constant prayers and love it's a daily realization that I don't know if I could do this without her. As we develop our businesses together it is her who offers up the prayers that pave the way for me to take the next step.
As lucky as I am to have met several people in this industry who have helped me tremendously, I have been given a double portion with this young woman's friendship.
Thank You Jazzy-Love for everything you are, I treasure you so much!

Here is the birthday girl the day day after we met last year...
sorry folks but they don't get any gorgeous-er than her (inside OR out)...

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Vegas | random

I just thought I would share a few random shots from Vegas...

This is J$... I didnt get to spend much time with the Nudds this year but I just want you two to know I LOVE ya!

Here is THE Fred Egan stylishly sporting the Nikon colors and professing his undying love for Nikon

And lastly, My ode to Amber Holritz... she's just one of my favorite people so she gets the focus of this post :)

workin' it in Starbucks

hee hee... Shaun Austin & Kevin Swan of KISS plus Amber made a dynamic trio... a barrel full of laughs!

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Barnum-Kirk Engagement

I had to jet off from the New Years Party early to meet up with this adorable couple and we absolutley had a blast shooting on this PERFECT day. :)
Meet Kim and Erik... 8 years of dating is finally culminating in a wedding this May and I am so excited to shoot their wedding. As you can see, they are both so full of life and laughter... it's always a treat to shoot such joyus people. :)

I havent shot an engagement session in over a year because all my brides this past year have already had them done before they booked me. Anyway, I was kinda nervous but....shhhhh... thats our little secret. lol

Oh and I totally dropped my camera today. It went tumbling along the cobblestone and I swear it happened in slow motion... I think my heart even skipped a beat. Then I picked it up and everything seemed fine until it would take a picture.... My heart started beating faster and fatser...then all of a sudden, it came alive and we finished the shoot. **whew** that got my heart rate up for sure. :)

without further adieu....

I saw this awning as we were driving and got sooo excited!!