The hardest part for me is that I just couldnt bear to give 40 hours of my week to a job that had nothing to do with my passion, and didnt further my desire to one day be self sufficent in Photography...
Then the most wonderful thing happened... Thursday night I recieved an email from Jeff Jochum (VP of sales and marketing at Pictage) saying that he was looking for an assistant and wondered if I would be interested...
Long story short, we met the next day and BAM! I went from submitting endless resumes to officially being employed. :) I am now Jeff's assistant and a Pictage employee...! its wierd to think about but it is so exciting...!!
It all happened so fast too... I got the email thursday night, we met on Friday at 5:15pm, I accepted the job by 5:25 pm and then by 5:45 he took me home to meet his wife Mel, mom Marie, and baby David J (....hmmm named after someone we know??? haha ). Anyway, I look forward to the many opportunities this will present! A BIG HUGE Thanks to everyone involved ;)! Yay!